Thursday, 26 January 2023

Prayers of Intercession - Follow Me

Carl Kylberg "Venez a ma suite (Följ med)" (Come, Follow Me)

Prayers of Intercession written for the Choral Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 26th January 2022 (Year A, Epiphany 3) based on texts from 1 Corinthians 1.10-18 and Matthew 4.12-23.

Let us pray to Almighty God; the Father who made us; the Son who saved us and the Spirit here with us. 

May people in every corner of the world hear your call and follow you. 
Follow you away from the fantasy of sin towards the reality of life as your children.
Follow you to the unexplored places where your Spirit leads. 
Follow you to fish for people; as you have raised us from death to new life.
Look with mercy upon all who minister in your name, all who strive for unity in the church and those who are struggling in faith. 
In our searching, grant us the courage to turn and see your look of love; to take up our cross and follow you.  

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

May all in positions of authority and influence hear your call and follow you. 
Follow you away from violence and division towards peace and concord.
Follow you away from unjust systems and structures towards fairness and equity for all. 
Follow you out from the torrent of hatred and misinformation and into the truth of your living Word.
Look with mercy upon our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, East Africa, Afghanistan and Iraq, all who strive for an end to war and conflict and all who live under the shadow of genocide and persecution. 
Blinkered by our fury, grant us the humility to turn and see your outstretched hand; to take it and follow you.  

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

May everyone in this City hear your call and follow you. 
Follow you to those crying out for release from harmful circumstances. 
Follow you to those who have been denuded by deficit. 
Follow you to work for the common good. 
Look with mercy upon all in our midst who are struggling at this time; those without adequate food, shelter or warmth; the lonely and the lost. 
As we seek to become better neighbours, grant us the resolve to learn by your example; to turn and follow you. 

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

May all who are laid low, under pressure and in pain, hear your call and follow you. 
Follow you to wholeness.
Look with mercy upon Melvyn, Stefan, John, Patrick, Sam, Martin, Sophia; 
Jonathan and family; Carole, Peter, Francine and Caroline; Juliet and family; 
Michael, Kath and Claire; Dorothy, Kyle, Julie, David and Peter and all those whose names are written on our hearts. 
In our vulnerability, grant us the strength to see your outstretched arms; to turn and follow you.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer 

May those who have reached the end of their life on earth hear your call and follow you.  
Follow you out of the shadow of death into the new life you came to reveal. 
Look with mercy upon all who mourn. 
Through our tears, help us to glimpse the joy of your eternal kingdom; to turn and follow you.  

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, 
our Saviour Jesus Christ


Image: Carl Kylberg "Venez a ma suite (Följ med)" (Come, Follow Me)

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