Thursday, 21 July 2022

Prayers of Intercession - Choosing the Better Part

At the home of Mary and Martha, Iain Campbell

Prayers of Intercession written for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 21st July 2022 (Year C, 5th after Trinity, Proper 11) based on the words of Luke 10.38-end. 

Almighty God,
May your church gather at your feet, united in worship and service. 
We pray for our clergy; for Peter, Stephen; for all who serve in your name and especially this week for those preparing to gather at the Lambeth Conference. 
Let us not be distracted or worried about our differences,
but learn to cherish diverse expressions of ministry.
Surrounded by voices in desperate need, help us to hear your Word and be guided by your Spirit so that we might discern your will, which is the better part.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer.

Living God,
May the people of this divided world be reconciled by walking together in the footsteps of your Son.
We pray for all with authority and influence; that they may hear your still small voice of calm and work for truth,  justice and peace.
Liberate us from destructive patterns of behaviour which are causing such harm to your creation. 
Lead us to a better path.  

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer.

Generous God,
May this City be a place of hospitality to all who journey through it.
We pray for students, teachers and all about to embark on summer holidays. 
Help us to set aside time and space for reflection in our daily lives. To be fully present to the great joy that is life in Christ. 
Bring hope to those who feel unfulfilled in their work;
and strengthen all who feel stretched and at the end of their tether;
grant us the grace to help to lighten their load.
May all we do be a blessing to others. 

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer.

Loving God,
May all who are sick and suffering find wholeness in your presence. 
We pray for all those affected by extreme weather conditions; for the emergency services and all those who put their lives at risk in service of others;
and we remember by name those for whom our prayers have been asked, including Stephen, Melvyn, Margaret, John, Alexander and his family, Caroline, Francine, Carole, Peter and for Juliet and her family, Adrian, Jennifer and their family, Martin, Sam and Sophia, for Sally, for Tom, for Sarah, Kim and Mark, Jonathan, Anthony, Sue and their family. 
In a moment of silence we bring before you those whose names are written on our own hearts, who are in particular need at this time.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer.

Eternal God,
May those whose work on earth is complete find eternal rest in your heavenly home.
We pray for the faithful departed and ask for your blessing on all who mourn. 
In the company of St Stephen and all the saints, we pray;

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ

Image : At the home ofMary and Martha, Iain Campbell

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