Saturday, 26 March 2022

Prayers of Intercession - Mothering Sunday

Natalya Rusetska (Ukrainian) The Annunciation

Prayers of Intercession written for the Sung Eucharist at St George’s Bloomsbury on Sunday 27th March 2022 (Year C, Mothering Sunday) based on words from John 19.25b-27 and St Anselm’s Prayer to St Paul.

Almighty God, creator of all,
whose Son sanctified every relationship by bringing the whole human family to the foot of the cross, 
Help us to glorify you by drawing near in faith. 
We pray for Justin our Archbishop, Sarah and Robert our Bishops and for the clergy and people of our mother church. 
Bless all who labour to bear the fruits of your grace on earth.
May we be open to your transforming Spirit as you work in us and through us; our eternal Father and Mother

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

Living God,
from whom flows consolation for all sinners,

Refashion those with authority and influence to be true mothers of your people.

May the nations of the world find security not in stockpiles of munitions but in your outstretched arms.

We pray for peace in Ukraine and for an end to all violence and suffering.

Bless those who are opening their homes to refugees and working to provide humanitarian aid.

May all who are terrified by the horrors of war find relief in the knowledge of your presence. 

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

Loving God,
whose Son Jesus Christ, the child of Mary,
lived among us,
We give thanks for all who have mothered us; 
may they find refreshment and relaxation this day.
We pray for those who bring your love to their neighbours in this parish and this city. 
Bless all who have challenging relationships with their mothers and children.
May your presence reconcile them. 

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

Healing God. 
whose Son brought healing and comfort to those in distress,
Send your spirit upon all your children who are sick and suffering.
We pray especially for Father Ronald, Sue and Angela. 
Bless all who devote their lives to the care and wellbeing of others. 
May your comfort and strength bring them new hope.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

Eternal God,
whose Son showed us that mothering involves the pain of letting go of those we love,
Help us to support those walking through the valley of the shadow of death. 
We pray for all the faithful departed and those whose years mind falls at this time.
Comfort all who mourn in the knowledge that in our baptism by your Spirit and through the death and
resurrection of your Son, we have been reborn to new life with you. 

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

The celebrant may conclude the intercessions by saying:

Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. 

 : Natalya Rusetska (Ukrainian) The Annunciation

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