Thursday, 24 March 2022

Prayers of Intercession - Repent and Grow

The Fig Tree, Paul Klee, 1929

Prayers of Intercession written for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 24th March 2022 (Year C, Lent 3) based on words from Luke 13.1-9.

Almighty God,
may the congregations of the church grow in your image.
Nurture in us a life that is truly faithful through the food of the sacrament, the nourishment of prayer and the richness of the scriptures.
We ask for your blessing upon our Bishop, Sarah, our Archdeacons Luke and Adam, our Area Dean Katherine and all the clergy and people of the Square Mile. 
We pray especially for all struggling with their faith.
May we encourage each other, working to bear the fruits of your love in your service. 
Give us the strength to repent; turning away from the shadow of sin and towards the light of Christ. 

Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Living God,
may the nations of the world prosper in your peace. 
Nurture in all those with authority and influence the green shoots of renewal, sustained by your ever-flowing stream of grace.  
We ask for your blessing upon all working to bring an end to war, hatred and violence. 
We pray especially for the people of Ukraine, for the work of The Red Cross and all providing humanitarian aid. 
May we bring harmony to the world in all we think, say and do.
Give us the courage to repent; turning away from all that is destructive and divides and towards all that is generative and reconciles.  

Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Loving God,
may the people of this City flourish as you intended. 
Nurture in us the hunger for justice and thirst for righteousness planted by your living Word.
We ask for your blessing on the work of teachers, coaches and mentors; all who use their gifts to stimulate the development of others; and for all candidates standing for election to the Common Council of the City today.
We pray especially for those who see no immediate return for their labours.
May we learn to recognise the first fruits of faith and to trust in the passing of your seasons.
Give us the confidence to repent; turning away from greed and towards generosity to others. 

Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Healing God,
may the sick and suffering increase in wholeness. 
Nurture in us compassion for our neighbours through the light of your mercy.  
We ask for your blessing upon all who care for others, including the work of The Samaritans.
We pray especially for Melvyn, John, Ian, Caroline, Francine, Carole, Peter and for Juliet and her family, Adrian, Jennifer and their family, Martin, Sam and Sophia, for Sally, for Tom, for Sarah, Kim and Mark.
May we come to know what truly enriches our health and wellbeing.
Give us the humility to repent; turning away from our own selfish concerns and towards our brothers and sisters in need. 

Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Eternal God,
may all who mourn be renewed by the resurrection life.
Nurture those walking in the shadow of death with the still waters of your presence. 
We ask for your blessing on all who have reached the end of their earthly work and now enjoy the fruits of your heavenly kingdom.
We pray for all whose years mind falls at this time. 
May we dwell not on what we have lost but what they have gained. 
Give us the conviction to repent; turning away from the fleeting sorrows of this life and towards the joy of the life to come. 

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers 
for the sake of thy Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

 : Paul Klee, Fig Tree, 1929

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