Thursday, 17 March 2022

Prayers of Intercession for the Season of Lent

Icon by Ukranian artist Ivanka Demchuk, "Quo Vadis"

As we continue our journey through Lent, let us give thanks for the continual blessing of God’s mercy and grace, which sustains us now and always. 

Almighty God, whose Son is the way, the truth and the life,
Send your Spirit upon this, your church.

Grant to our Bishops, Priests and all called to follow you the courage to bring your Good News into the wilderness of today.

[Sustain us by the knowledge that though we stumble and fall, you raise us up anew as sacraments of your grace.]

Direct our hearts away from the temptations that distract us from worshipping only you.

Help us to exceed our limits by working together as one, as you are one; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

Lord in thy mercy,
Hear our prayer. 

Merciful God, whose Son took upon himself the weight of all human suffering, 

Send your Spirit upon this broken world.

Grant wisdom to all with influence and authority, that they may become instruments of peace. 

We pray for an end to war and violence and especially for relief for the people of Ukraine.

Help us to find security not behind stockpiles of munitions but in the arms of your Son on the cross;

[whose sacred heart and saving blood brings new life to all you have redeemed.

May it] cleanse our mouths of the temptation to speak with condemnation and ridicule,

that our tongues may be free to confess your glory. 

Lord in thy mercy,
Hear our prayer. 

Living God, whose Word became flesh and dwelt among us,

Send your Spirit upon all who live alongside us in this City.

Grant us the humility to know our need for forgiveness and the ability to forgive others. 

We pray for our families, friends and all our close relationships. 

[May we find our true selves in their love for us, recognising your face in theirs.] 

Let our eyes not be diverted by the temptations of pride and self-indulgence.

Help us to see the plight of those affected by poverty and injustice and the means by which we might serve them.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer 

Loving God, whose Son brought healing and comfort to those in distress,

Send your spirit upon all who are sick.

Grant them comfort and strength.

We pray especially for Margaret, Sandra, Sarah, Sophia, Kim, William, Mark, Andrew and family, Sally, Tony, Tom, Carol, Francine, Anthony, Caroline, Peter, Jennifer, Adrian and family, Melvyn, Ian, Jim, Nick, John, Gill, Adrienne, Juliet and family, Martin and Sam.

Lead us from the temptation to obsess over our own bodies.

May we walk with those in pain, helping to raise up all who are brought low, lifting them by the strength of your compassion. 

Lord in thy mercy

Hear our prayer 

Eternal God, whose Son revealed the way to everlasting life in union with you,

Send your Spirit upon all in the shadow of death.

Grant to those who mourn knowledge of your heavenly kingdom,

where the faithful departed are now at rest. [Remembering especially at this time …]

May we turn our minds away from the temptation to lament what we have lost and towards the joy of your resurrection by which you have sanctified life and death;

Knowing that each step we take in faith brings us closer to you. 

Merciful Father,

accept these prayers 

for the sake of thy Son,

our Saviour, Jesus Christ.


Image :   Ivanka Demchuk, Quo Vadis

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