Thursday, 3 March 2022

Prayers of Intercession - Transform Us

Transfiguration bleue outremer by Macha Chmakoff. 

Prayers of Intercession written for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 3rd March 2022 (Quinquagesima, Year C) based on the text of Luke 9.28-43a.

God of grace,
who lifts us up to see the truth of our past and glimpse the glory of our future,
transform this, your Church.
Help us to listen to your living Word 
and follow His ways,
growing in faith by the light of others and, enflamed by your Spirit, reflecting your brightness in all we think, say and do.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer 

God of peace, 
whose image glows in the face of all people, 
transform this, your world.
May those occupying lofty positions of authority and influence see through the clouds of pride and self-interest.
We pray for an end to the war in Ukraine and that displaced people of every creed and colour might find sanctuary and support.
Help us all to radiate your love wherever we encounter discord and division in our lives. 

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer 

God of hope, 
who raises up the lowly and heals the sick,
transform all who feel powerless and weighed down by terror.
Reawaken in them knowledge of your eternal presence.
We pray for all in our community who are in need this day, remembering by name Sandra, Sarah, Sophia, Kim, William, Mark, Andrew and family, Sally, Tony, Tom, Carol, Francine, Anthony, Caroline, Peter, Jennifer, Adrian and family, Melvyn, Ian, Jim, Nick, John, Gill, Adrienne, Martin and Sam.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer 

God of glory,
who raised up your Son to reveal that we are not made for this life alone, 
transform us, your people, 
so that each day we may know more truly the greatness of your love for us. 
Bless all the faithful departed 
and, as we strive to follow in their footsteps, 
embolden us by the promise of perfect peace at our journey’s end. 

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers 
for the sake of thy Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Image : Transfiguration bleue outremer by MachaChmakoff. 

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