Thursday, 3 February 2022

Prayers of Intercession - Light of the World

Anthony McCall, Solid Light

Prayers written for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 3rd February 2022 (Epiphany 4, Year C), based on the text of Luke 2.22-40 (the Presentation of Christ in the Temple).

Let us pray to God our Father that the world might be filled with the light of his Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Into the chaos of our understanding,
you sent a light to lighten the church;
to reveal our salvation in Jesus Christ. 
May your Spirit rest upon all who minister in His name;
that by their teaching and example the radiance of your love might shine through our thoughts, words and
We pray especially this day for our brothers and sisters in Nigeria, North Korea and for all whose lives are beacons of faith amidst oppression and persecution.

Lord in thy mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Into the horror of violence and conflict, you sent a light to lighten the world;
to reveal the path to peace.
May your Spirit rest upon all in positions of authority and influence;
inspiring them to work for the rising of many by following your way, your truth and your life. 
We pray especially this day for peace for the people of Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen.

Lord in thy mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Into the wounds of broken relationships,
you sent a light to lighten this City;
to reveal the glory of all your people. 
May your Spirit rest upon us, so that we might see your image in the face of all those around us; 
your wisdom and humility, your joy and tender love in the newborn and those of advanced years.
We pray for all working to transform systems and structures that cast the veil of inequality and injustice across this City.  

Lord in thy mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Into the pain of sickness and suffering,
you sent a light to lighten our lives;
to reveal hope and healing. 
May your Spirit rest upon Sandra, Sarah, Sophia, Kim, William, Mark, Andrew and family, Glyn, Sally, Tony, Tom, Carol, Francine, Anthony, Melissa, Caroline, Emma, Peter, Jennifer, Adrian and family, Melvyn, Ian, Jim, Nick, John, Martin and Sam and for all paralysed by mental illness. 
We pray for their comfort and for the strength of all those who care for them. 

Lord in thy mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Into the tears of grief and mourning,
you sent a light to lighten our hearts;
to reveal the truth of the resurrection life. 
May your Spirit rest upon all to whom the Lord’s Messiah has been revealed; that they may depart in peace.
We pray for the repose of the soul of Molly, whose funeral is taking place tomorrow; for Anita and all her family and friends;
And we pray for (y oramos por) Maria Lujan Molinari and for Macarena, Thomas and all her family. 
May all who mourn be comforted by the light of true life made known through your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Merciful Father
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son
our Saviour, Jesus Christ


Image : Anthony McCall, Solid Light

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