Thursday, 27 January 2022

Prayers of Intercession - May your Word be fulfilled

James Jankneght, ‘Jesus in the Temple’, 2009

Prayers of Intercession written for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 27th January 2022 (Epiphany 3, Year C) and Holocaust Memorial Day, based on readings from
1 Corinthians 12.12-31a & Luke 4.14-21.

As members of God’s church through the same Spirit, let us pray to Christ, our Lord.
In your holy church, may your Word be fulfilled. 
Bless all who have been anointed to bring good news to the world.
We pray that the riches of the scriptures are revealed to all who hear them.  
Send your Spirit upon the churches of this City; may they become members of one body in
prayer and action, ever proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favour.  

Lord in thy mercy,
Hear our prayer.

In all the corners of the earth, may your Word be fulfilled.
Bless all who are working to recover the sight of peace between nations, races, religions and cultures.
We pray especially for the people of Ukraine, Tonga, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen and for all for whom the memory of the Holocaust remains a present reality, especially Victor whose grandfather Francis Farago was murdered in Auschwitz. 
Send your spirit upon those who hold positions of authority and influence, that they may learn from the horrors of the past and follow your, more excellent way.

Lord in thy mercy,
Hear our prayer.

In every street of this city, may your Word be fulfilled.  
Bless all who use their skills to help those in need; training and empowering others.
We pray for those anxious about returning to work and all whose livelihoods remain uncertain; and we pray for all refugees, especially those arriving here. 
Send your Spirit upon us so that we may recognise your image in the face of all our brothers and sisters; treating them with honour and respect. 

Lord in thy mercy,
Hear our prayer

In our homes and families, may your Word be fulfilled.
Bless all who seek to reveal the light of your love in their close relationships with others.
We pray especially for all who are sick and suffering.
Send your Spirit upon Sandra, Sarah, Sophia, Kim, William, Mark, Andrew and family, Glyn, Sally, Tony, Tom, Carol, Francine, Anthony, Melissa, Caroline, Emma, Peter, Jennifer, Adrian and family, Melvyn, Ian, Jim, Nick, John, Martin and Sam that they may find strength in your loving presence.

Lord in thy mercy,
Hear our prayer.

In our hope for the life to come, may your Word be fulfilled.
Bless all who have lived and died striving to share your greater gifts, including Jean Burrow, recently departed. 
We pray for Vanessa, Abigail and all Jean’s friends and family.
Send your Spirit upon all who praise your name, so that we may find comfort in union with each other and with the whole company of heaven, until your coming again.

Merciful Father
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son
our Saviour, Jesus Christ

Image : James Jankneght, ‘Jesus in the Temple’, 2009

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