Thursday, 16 September 2021

Prayers of Intercession – Take up Thy Cross & Tame Thy Tongue

Prayers of Intercession – Take up Thy Cross & Tame Thy Tongue 

Prayers of Intercession written for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 16th 2021 ((Year B, Trinity 15, Proper 19) based on readings from
Mark 8.27-end, James 3.1-12 and the words of the hymn; O Jesus I have promised.

Let us pray.


Almighty God, we pray that by the example of your Son and the guidance of your Spirit we might grow in confidence to proclaim Christ as our Saviour. Bless the church throughout the world and all who minister in it, walking alongside us as we follow the way of the Cross. Inspire us by the example of those who have lost their lives by saving others. Strengthen all who live in fear of persecution for proclaiming The Good News of our Risen Saviour – the Word made flesh, who lived among us.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer

Gracious God, grant all who influence the minds of others the wisdom and courage to speak only of your truth. To bring about justice by shining a light on the dark corners of this world. To seek reconciliation and peace wherever there is discord. To set their sights on the divine riches of your kingdom, not the fools gold of this world. Have mercy on all who are living in the midst of conflict, natural disaster and famine, especially the people of Afghanistan, Haiti, Yemen, Sudan and Ethiopia.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer

Generous God, open our hearts and minds to the greatness of your love for us and to the guidance of your Spirit. We pray for our families, friends and neighbours. The communities to which we belong. All who live, work and visit the City of London. Sanctify our tongues that we might speak only blessings to all our brothers and sisters. Forgive us when we wander from the pathway you have set before us. Grant us the humility to ask for help and pour down your wisdom upon all whose footmarks point us along the way.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer


Living God, whose Son suffered on the cross, died and rose again, comfort all who are suffering this day. Including ; Victor, Tom, Carol, Francine, Sophia, Jummie, Sarah, Anthony, Melissa, Caroline and Manuelle, Emma, Peter, Jennifer, Adrian and family, Melvyn, Ian, Jim, Nick, Martin and Sam. And in silence we call to mind those in need whose names are unspoken but written on our own hearts.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer


Eternal God, receive into the peace of your kingdom all the faithful who have served thee to the end, especially Johan, Ochi and Farah’s father. May the crosses they bore now shine as a sign of their glory.

Merciful Father,
Accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ

Image : Anthony Falbo, “Follow Me,” 2007.

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