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Frederick James Brown, Knock and the door shall be opened, 1996 |
Further prayers written for Choral Evensong at St Stephen’s Rochester Row on Sunday 12th September based on texts from Psalm 119.73-88, Exodus 18.13-26 & Matthew 7.1-14.
From Psalm 119
Thy hands have made me and fashioned me *
O give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments
Almighty God, maker of heaven and earth;
take from our eyes all that we have placed before them,
so that we might see the true vision of the world as you have
fashioned it: overflowing with thy grace;
that we might understand the destructive power of our
selfishness and greed;
that we might recognise your image in all those around us.
Knower of all things, let thy perpetual wisdom pour down upon
all who minister in thy church. May they help us to learn not by rote alone but
by example;
loving you and loving our neighbour as ourselves;
for it is in the exercise of these, thy commandments, that you
may know that we are thy disciples.
Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer
From the Book of Exodus, Chapter 18
And Moses’ father in law said unto him, The thing that thou
doest is not good.
Thou wilt surely wear away, both thou, and this
people that is with thee: for this thing is too heavy for thee; thou art not
able to perform it thyself alone.
Almighty God, Father of all,
Look with mercy on those who feel worn away amidst the toil and
tribulations of this life;
especially those who are enduring the effects of conflict and
natural disaster.
Help us to be attentive to the needs of our key workers and
those who hold positions of responsibility.
Great teacher, help us to learn that the journey to your Kingdom
is not one we make alone.
May all who are weary and heavy laden find refreshment in the
loving kindness of your Son, the power of your Spirit and the promise of
eternal life with you.
Wonderful Counsellor, you hear the cries of all who seek you in
the torment of sickness of mind or body.
We remember in silence all those known to us who are suffering
this night and for whom our prayers have been asked.
Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer
From the Gospel according to St Matthew:
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock,
and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth;
and to him that knocketh it shall be opened
Almighty God, Eternal King,
who generously gives to all in need and who graciously answers
all who knock at thy door;
grant us, thy humble servants, the grace so to do;
opening the doors of our hearts to your love for us and our love
for all who travel alongside us.
Receive into your glorious kingdom thy faithful who have reached
the end of their journey on earth.
Comfort all who mourn in the knowledge that it is there that we,
like them, will find perfect peace and joy everlasting.
Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer
Drawing our prayers together in the company of St Stephen, St
John, the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints through the words of the
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the
fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.
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