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Christ and Nicodemus, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, 1919 |
Prayers written for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 9th March 2023 (Year A, Second Sunday of Lent) based on John 3.1-17.
In the power of the Spirit let us pray to God our Father who sent his Son into the world in order that the world might be saved through him.
Save us from the fear of the freedom that flows from rebirth by water and spirit; that we may relish the new life you have revealed.
Save us from our resistance to change by enlightening our minds with your teaching and the courage to follow it.
Save us by the transforming power of your grace; that we may recognise your love at work all around us.
We give thanks for the joys of life; praying especially for newborn Tamsin; Anita and David’s granddaughter.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Save us from the temptation to tread the well-worn path; help us to be intentional about our involvement in the world.
Save us from sleepwalking into places where everything has a cost and nothing is valued.
Save us from our rush to retribution; still our tongues and open our ears that we might hear the whisper of your peace in the common ground.
We pray especially for the people of Ukraine, East Africa, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Save us from our distrust of those who cry out to us in need; strengthen our faith in the abundance of your mercy.
Save us from our incompetence to be truly hospitable to all. May your spirit of humility blow down the barriers that prevent us from being real neighbours.
Save us from navel-gazing, while our brothers and sisters struggle to stay afloat amidst the storms of life.
We pray especially for; Mary and Mike, Melvyn, Stefan, John, Patrick, Sam, Martin, Sophia; Jonathan and family; Carole, Peter, Francine and Caroline; Juliet and family; Michael, Kath and Claire; Dorothy, Julie, David and Peter.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Save us from fumbling for meaning; banish our doubts by the light of your salvation.
Save us from the depths of despair; lift up our hearts as you lifted your son to eternal life.
Save us from the loneliness of loss; may your Spirit drive us to walk alongside those in the shadow of death.
We pray for the repose of the souls of Anne and Eileen and for Jane, Brian and family and Matt, Sarah and family and all who mourn.
In the company of St Stephen and all the saints we pray;
Merciful Father, accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ,
Image : Christ and Nicodemus, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, 1919
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