Thursday, 25 August 2022

Prayers of Intercession - Our Messy March of Progress

Adolf Hölzel, Journey, 1915

Prayers of Intercession written for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 24th August 2022 (Year C, 10th after Trinity, Proper 16) based on the text of Hebrews 12.18-end and Luke 13.10-17.

Lord of the journey,
who watches over each step of our earthly pilgrimage,
We stand before you as your church.
We pray for those who minister to us; all who tug on our loose reigns, guiding us back to your way; making straight the way of the Lord. 
We give thanks for those marking new stages in their lives, especially Jerome and Alexandra, whose marriage will be blessed on Saturday and for Hugo who will be baptised.
Help us to remain true to your word and faithful to our calling, through all the twists and turns of life; 
holding your image before us each day. 

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer 

Lord of Lords, 
who is the light of all nations,
We lift up to you all with authority and influence in the world. 
We pray that, by your saving grace, we might embrace our freedom to change; to break free from the shackles of linear thinking that keep us toeing a line - even though we can see it’s damaging consequences. 
We ask for your blessing upon all working to share your peace, justice and healing on earth, to bring an end to harm against your people and to your creation. 
May your Kingdom come and Thy will be done. 

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer 

Lord of all people;
who is our Creator, Redeemer and Saviour,
We present this City to you in all its colourful diversity. 
We pray that it may grow in the likeness of the Holy City, the heavenly Jerusalem.
Grant us the vision to see all who point the way there; including those usually on the margins of our lives. 
Bless all working to support our neighbours who are struggling to make ends meet.
Forgive us when we make excuses or blame the system for our failure to help. Let us not put limits on sharing your love.  

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer 

Lord of life, 
who is the source of all compassion, 
We bring before you all who are burdened by physical and mental pain. 
We pray especially for Stephen, Melvyn, Margaret, John, Alexander and his family, Caroline, Francine, Carole, Peter, Jonathan and for Juliet and her family, Adrian, Jennifer and their family, Jonathan, Martin, Sam and Sophia, for Sally, for Tom, for Sarah, Mark, Nadia, Marlene and Ken.
May they find comfort in your healing presence.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer 

Lord of hope,
who has revealed the way to new life,
you have raised up the faithful, whose journey on earth has come to an end. 
We pray for all who mourn; that they may walk forward in confidence, in the footsteps of those who have gone before us, towards your promised kingdom.  
In the company of St Stephen and all the saints, we pray;

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ

Image : Adolf Hölzel, Journey, 1915

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