Sunday, 3 July 2022

Prayers of Intercession - Send us, Lord

Study for Changing West (America Today murals), Thomas Hart Benton, 1930

Prayers of Intercession written for the Choral Eucharist at St George’s Bloomsbury on Sunday 3rd July 2022 (Third Sunday after Trinity, Year C) based on the reading from Luke 10.1-11, 16-20.

Let us pray to Almighty God, who sent his Son into the world so that the world through Him might be saved. 


Send us, your church, to witness to the transforming power of your love. 

Send us out in the knowledge that the harvest is plentiful; that our names are written in heaven.

Send us out just as you have made us - in your image. 

Send your strength to those whose ministry is not accepted by others.

Send your Spirit upon the newly baptised, confirmed and ordained and upon all who minister in your name. 


Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer 


Send us to proclaim your message of peace throughout the world.  

Send wisdom upon all with authority and influence; that they may set aside selfish ambition and do your will. 

Send your blessing on the people of Ukraine; all those working to bring an end to violence and conflict. 


Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer 


Send us into the streets of this City to be good neighbours to those in need. 

Send us the humility to accept that we cannot fulfil this mission alone.  

Send us the gifts of hospitality and generosity that we might act in and through your grace. 

Send us the courage to turn away from unjust systems and structures that prevent the world you love from truly flourishing.


Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer 


Send us to bring comfort to those who sick are suffering.

Send your healing presence upon all who are in particular need, especially Fr Ronald, Sue and Angela and all those whose names are written on our hearts.  


Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer 


Send us patience as we await your coming again.

Send your heavenly host to welcome the faithful departed into your presence.

Send to all those who mourn the assurance of your promise of eternal life. 

Send us out, renewed in faith, restored by your sacrament, and guided by your Spirit, to continue our journey towards your kingdom. 


Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer 


(Fr Rene will draw the prayers to a close) 

Image : 
Study for Changing West (America Today murals), Thomas Hart Benton, 1930

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