Thursday, 2 June 2022

Prayers of Intercession - Our Jubilee

Prayers of intercession written for the Choral Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 2nd June celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth; based on the text of Leviticus 25.1-12 And Luke 4.14-24

God of our Jubilee,
you have sent your spirit upon Elizabeth our Queen.
We give thanks for her long and glorious reign.
Strengthen her as she continues to serve the people of this nation and the Commonwealth.
May these celebrations be to holy to us; inspiring us to serve one another in loving kindness, following the example of your Son.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer 

God of our Jubilee,
you have sent your spirit upon us to bring good news to the poor.
Help us to hear it and act upon it.
Inspire wisdom and faithfulness in all ministers of your Word.
We pray for unity in the church;
   that we may rediscover the power of our baptism into one family of faith.
May our words and actions encourage every new shoot of your vine to flourish. 

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer 

God of our Jubilee,
you have sent your spirit upon us so that the oppressed may be set free.
Help us to be liberators.
Instil in the minds of all with authority and influence your gift of perfect peace.
We pray for an end to violence between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine and for the cessation of hostilities across the world. 
May our words and actions proclaim the freedom of your eternal love.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer 

God of our Jubilee, 
you have sent your spirit upon us to bring sight to the blind.
Help us to open our eyes to your truth.
May we learn to see the consequences of our unsustainable ways of living and the plight of those who are sick and suffering in our midst.
Bring your hope and healing to all who have asked to be remembered in prayer, including Melvyn, John, William, Shelley, Margaret and Philip, Caroline, Francine, Carole, Peter and for Juliet and her family, Adrian, Jennifer and their family, Martin, Sam and Sophia, for Sally, for Tom, for Sarah, Kim and Mark, Jonathan, Anthony, Sue and their family.
May our words and actions proclaim the assurance of your presence. 

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer

God of our Jubilee,
you have sent your spirit upon us to comfort us when we mourn.
Help us to live by the promise of your resurrection life.
We pray for the repose of the souls of all the recently departed, including Ian Hall. 
As we journey towards your kingdom may our words and actions proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.  

Merciful Father
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son
our Saviour, Jesus Christ

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