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Pomegranates, Gustave Courbet, 1871 |
Prayers of Intercession written for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 30th June 2022 (Year C, Second Sunday after Trinity) based on the text of Galatians 5.1,13-25
Almighty God,
Guide us by the Spirit to bear the fruit of love through your church.
May we live in faithfulness to your Word; not as slaves to selfish familiarity,
but to the newness of life you bring.
Help us to embrace the freedom you have given us, to be the people you made us
to be.
We pray for our Bishops, Priests and Deacons; may they guide and train us as we
grow in our discipleship.
We ask for your blessing on the newly baptised, confirmed and ordained; that
they may relish the sweet taste of fellowship with you.
Lord in thy mercy,
Hear our prayer
Loving God,
Guide us by the Spirit to bear the fruit of peace in the world.
May we live in the light of your Son, not as slaves to unjust systems but in
pursuit of freedom for all.
Help us to find security not in stockpiles of weapons but in your outstretched
arms on the cross.
We pray for all in positions of authority and influence in the world; may they
do your will.
We ask for your blessing on the people of Ukraine; all those working to bring
an end to violence and conflict, damage and decay.
Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer
Bountiful God,
Guide us by the Spirit to bear the fruit of generosity in our lives.
May we live as true neighbours, not as slaves to separateness but to
Help us to stop naval-gazing - while the make-shift ships of our brothers and
sisters capsize around us.
We pray for all in this City who offer themselves in service of others. For
Timothy, Nigel, Edward, Jennette and Philip standing for election as Alderman
next week. We give thanks for the dedication and fruitful service of our
present Alderman, John and ask for your blessing on him.
Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer
Healing God,
Guide us by the Spirit to bear the fruit of gentleness amongst all who are sick
and suffering.
We pray especially for Stephen, Melvyn, Margaret, John, William, Shelley,
Alexander and his family, Caroline, Francine, Carole, Peter and for Juliet and
her family, Adrian, Jennifer and their family, Martin, Sam and Sophia, for
Sally, for Tom, for Sarah, Kim and Mark, Jonathan, Anthony, Sue and their
family and we ask for God’s blessing on all those who care for them.
In a moment of silence we bring before you those whose names are written on our
own hearts, who are in particular need at this time.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Eternal God,
Guide us by the Spirit to bear the fruit of patience as we wait for your coming
May we live in the knowledge of the Resurrection life, no longer slaves to
death and sin but to one another.
We pray for the faithful departed and ask for your blessing on all who mourn.
In the company of St Stephen and all the saints, we
Merciful Father,
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ
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