Thursday, 7 April 2022

Prayers of Intercession-Pour out your grace

Mary anoints the feet of Jesus, Julia Stankova (Bulgaria)

Prayers of intercession written for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 7th April 2022 (Lent 5, Year C) based on the text from
John 12.1-8 – Mary anoints Jesus.

Let us pray to God our Father, who gave up His Son out of love for the world.

Generous God, 
you invite us to join you at your table, even though we are not worthy.
We come to sit with you there,
alongside the ministers of your church and all who confess your name in every tongue known on earth.  
We pray that those who are prevented from worshipping you and all who are struggling with their faith, might be led by the fragrance of your bountiful feast.
Help us to pour out the valuable gifts you have given us, to honour and glorify you. 
Transform us by your Spirit; so that the sound of your amazing grace might resonate in every fibre of our being. 

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

Creator God,
you invite us to join your work on earth. 
We let your hands guide ours, 
beckoning all who desire to glimpse your kingdom to sharpen their tools and unroll your blueprint. 
We pray that your peace may be revealed to all who have authority and influence. We pray for an end to violence; remembering especially the people of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia and those facing hostility further afield. 
Empty us of the discord and distrust that prevents relationship building.
By your mercy, may we untangle the threads of this complex and broken world and weave together your vision of the world to come.  

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

Gracious God,
you invite us to join you amongst those who are struggling. 
We see you kneeling at the feet of the homeless, the destitute and the victims of abuse in this City.   
We pray for the courage to do likewise. Pour out your wisdom on all those working for the common good, seeking to alleviate inequality and injustice in our communities. 
Embolden us to stand in the torrent of your love.
May the strength of your living water drive us to see this City from the perspective of the one who continually washes the feet of others. 

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

Compassionate God,
you invite us to join you alongside those who are sick. 
We hear your words of comfort at the bedside of those who are in pain. Help us to echo them.
We pray especially for Melvyn, John, Ian, Caroline, Francine, Carole, Peter and for Juliet and her family, Adrian, Jennifer and their family, Martin, Sam and Sophia, for Sally, for Tom, for Sarah, Kim and Mark.
Bind our lives together more tightly, so that we may cushion one another when we are weak and stumble; knowing that we are ever held in your merciful loving kindness. 

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

Eternal God,
you invite us to join you in your heavenly kingdom. 
We walk each day alongside those who mourn, on the path your Son has set before us. 
We pray for those close to death, those who have paid the ultimate price for their discipleship, for Mary and Andrew Hutchings and all the recently departed and all those whose years mind falls at this time.
Together, with the whole company of heaven, they fashion our grave-clothes;
at the last may we have the humility to receive them.

Merciful Father
Accept these prayers
For the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

: Mary anoints the feetof Jesus, Julia Stankova (Bulgaria)

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