Sunday, 16 January 2022

Prayers of Intercession - The Wedding at Cana

Miracle at Cana, Wilson Bigaud, 1951 

Prayers written for The Second Sunday of Epiphany (Year C) based on readings from
Isaiah 62.1-5, 1 Corinthians 12.1-11 and John 2.1-11 and the text of The Marriage Service

Almighty God, you blessed the wedding at Cana with your presence
and bless all who have vowed to follow you. 
By your Spirit, unite your church, that it might be a sign of your transforming love to all people.
We pray for our Bishops, Priests, Deacons and all who serve in your name;
for those preparing to make or renew vows of commitment and for those experiencing relationship difficulties.
We give thanks for the gifts of faith, hope and love.
May we use them to reveal a foretaste of the riches of your kingdom on earth.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer

Through good times and bad, you are with us. 
By your Spirit, unite those in positions of leadership and influence so that may they love and cherish all in this troubled world.
We pray for the people of the islands of Tonga, all affected by the recent tsunami, and for the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen. 
We give thanks for the gifts of wisdom, diplomacy and forgiveness.
May we use these to glimpse your kingdom, where the peacemakers are called children of God. 

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer

For richer, for poorer, you are with us. 
By your Spirit, unite all in this Parish and this City; may we be willing to share all we have with others, especially those in need. 
We pray for those working to support the homeless, those struggling financially and all who are isolated and alone.
We give thanks for the gifts of generosity, respect and hospitality. 
May we use these to glimpse your kingdom, where the mighty are put down and the humble and meek are exalted. 

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer

In sickness and in health, you are with us. 
By your Spirit, unite us in compassion with our brothers and sisters who are suffering.
We pray for those known to us by name who are in need this day; enrich them with your presence and strengthen them with your grace.
We give thanks for the work of doctors, nurses and all who use their gifts to care for others;
helping us to glimpse your kingdom, where there is neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer

When we part from our earthly bodies, you are with us.
By your Spirit, unite us in prayer with the faithful departed.
We pray for the repose of the souls of those who have recently died and remember all whose years mind falls at this time. 
We give thanks for your promise that you have a seat for each of us at the great marriage banquet, when the full glory of your kingdom will be revealed. 

Merciful Father
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son
our Saviour, Jesus Christ

Image : Miracle at Cana, Wilson Bigaud, 1951 

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