Thursday, 6 January 2022

Prayers of Intercession - The Epiphany

James Tissot, The Magi Journeying (Les rois mages en voyage), 1886-1894

Prayers of Intercession written for the celebration of the Feast of the Epiphany at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 6th January 2022, based on readings from Ephesians 3.1-12 and Matthew 2.1-12.

Almighty God, light of all grace and truth,
Guide us, your church, to bring the boundless riches of the Good News of Christ to every corner of the earth. 
May the gift of your unending love, hidden in plain sight, be made known to us, in us and through us in all we think, say and do this day.
Grant boldness and confidence to all who minister in your name to follow the path you have set before us; so that, by faith, your eternal purpose may be revealed.

Lord in thy mercy 
Hear our prayer

Merciful God, light of the world,
Guide all who we look to as Kings to become leaders of your people in your image. 
May they turn away from fear and find the courage to walk the path of peace and justice;
enlightened by the revelation that we are all co-heirs, members of the same body, and sharers in the promise of your Son.

Lord in thy mercy 
Hear our prayer

Generous God, light of all people,
Guide us as we seek you in each moment of our lives this day. 
May our gifts be revealed to us. Grant us the ability offer them back them to you in the service of others. 
Bless all who work in your name especially today all teachers, scientists, all who seek a better future for the world through innovation and for all whose work involves navigating long and challenging journeys. 

Lord in thy mercy 
Hear our prayer

Loving God, light in the darkness,
Guide all who are struggling through times of pain and sickness towards strength, comfort and hope. 
We pray especially for Sarah, Sophia, Kim, William, Mark, Andrew and family, Sally, Tom, Carol, Francine, Anthony, Melissa, Caroline, Emma, Peter, Jennifer, Adrian and family, Melvyn, Ian, Jim, Nick, John, Martin and Sam and all those whose names are written on our hearts.

Lord in thy mercy 
Hear our prayer

Eternal God, light of everlasting life,
Guide all who have come to the end of their journey on earth into the joy of your heavenly kingdom. 
May the witness of all the faithful departed inspire us as we follow in their footsteps this day. 

Merciful Father
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son
our Saviour, Jesus Christ

Image : James Tissot, The Magi Journeying (Les rois mages envoyage), 1886-1894. Brooklyn Museum 

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