Thursday, 18 November 2021

Prayers of Intercession - All will be thrown down

The Ruins of Christ Church Newgate Street, City of London - John Piper

Prayers written for the Choral Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 17th November 2021 (Second before Advent) based on readings from Hebrews 10.11-14, 19-25 and Mark 13.1-8

Almighty God, we pray for the church; that it may be rooted always in the perfect truth of your enduring love for us; 
A church that challenges all earthly power, including its own, obeying only your authority.
Grant us the wisdom to care for but not idolise all that mankind has fashioned to glorify you;
Grant us the humility to throw ourselves down and your feet and build up each other as temples to our only Lord and Saviour. 

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer 

Living God, we pray for all with responsibility and influence in the world; grant them the courage to prise apart the curtains that block out the glorious vision of your kingdom.
May they be guided by the laws you have written in their hearts and speak the words you have placed in their minds;
so that all members of every nation might embody your way of peace.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer 

Generous God, we pray for forgiveness for our complicity in power structures that are abusive and unjust; 
for granting authority over ourselves and others to that which fails to serve you. 
We pray for solidarity in this City, this Parish, our communities at work and at home; that, our hearts sprinkled clean by your grace,
we may we provoke one another not into discord but encourage one another in performing works of love and good deeds. 

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer 

Loving God, we pray for the relief for all those affected by famine, natural disaster and violence between nations; all who are suffering as a result of the coronavirus and for all who have asked for our prayers in times of sickness, including William, Mark, Andrew and family, Sally, Tom, Carol, Francine, Sophia, Sarah, Anthony, Melissa, Caroline, Emma, Peter, Jennifer, Adrian and family, Melvyn, Ian, Jim, Nick, John, Martin and Sam and; and for all those whose names are unspoken but written on our hearts.

Lord in thy mercy
Hear our prayer 

Eternal God, who by the offering of the life, death and resurrection of your Son has perfected for all time those who are sanctified; welcome into your kingdom all who have come to the end of their time on earth. 
Unite all who feel the pangs of grief by in the embrace of your eternal love. 

In the name of Mary, Mother of God, St Stephen and all the saints we pray.

How John Piper found beauty in bomb damaged buildings

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