Sunday, 10 October 2021

Prayers of Intercession – The Rich Man

The Last Shall be First & The First Shall Be Last by J. Alan Cumbey, 1957 - 1992

Prayers of Intercession written for the Sung Eucharist at St George’s Bloomsbury on Sunday 10 October 2021 (Year B, Trinity 19, Proper 23) based on the text of
Mark 10.17-31

Let us pray.

Almighty God, source of all goodness,
Look on us and love us, your church; we who think we keep your commandments but who so often fall short; failing to value what is most important to follow the way, the truth and the life.
Great Teacher, inspire the hearts of our Bishops, Priests, Deacons and all ministers of your Word that they may always guide us towards the riches of your Kingdom and away from the Fool’s Gold of this world. 
Following the example of your Son, our Saviour, may we kneel before you, humbly serving all those around us as we tread, in His footsteps, on the path to your Kingdom.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer 

Generous God, source of all power,
Look with love upon all who hold positions of influence in this world.
Empty their lives of personal ambition and pride so that they may be filled with your love.
We pray for an end to the suffering caused by abuses of authority; the loss of life and pain of those in war torn countries; Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, South Sudan; the poverty and environmental damage caused by climate change.
May your Spirit guide us all to put down the mighty from their seat and exalt the humble and meek; so that we may bring about a world where the needs of the last – and the least – are put first.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer 

Living God, source of all love,
Look on us and love us, your people. Help us to remember that we are all made in your image.
We give thanks for the wealth of our close relationships with our families and friends.
By the example of your Son, help us not to covet this love, but to follow Him as we journey away from the security of familiarity, sharing the riches of your Kingdom with all those around us.
In our parish community we pray especially for the work of our Food Bank and Winter Night Shelter and for all those who are serving our brothers and sisters in need.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer 

Loving God, source of all strength
Look with love on all who are suffering from ill health.
On this World Mental Health Day we pray especially for those who feel their lives are empty and hopeless; that they may find comfort in your healing Spirit and the knowledge that for God, all things are possible.
We hold in our hearts all who are sick, all affected by the Coronavirus, all who are near to the point of death and pray especially for Father Ronald, Angela and for all those in pain whose names are known only to us and you.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

Eternal God, source of everlasting life,
Receive with love all who have left everything and followed you to the end.
May we not grieve the loss of their lives on earth but glory in their entry into the riches of your Kingdom.

With St George, the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints, we pray

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ

Image : The Last Shall be First & The First Shall Be Last by J. Alan Cumbey, 1957 - 1992, a self-taught writer and artist whose rich, symbol-laden work explored race, religion, and gay life before and after AIDS.

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