Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Further Prayers for Morning Prayer - Peace Within Thy Walls

Peace window, United Nations Building New York by Marc Chagall, 1964

Further prayers written for Morning Prayer by telephone conference call from St Stephen Walbrook on Wednesday 27th October 2021

From Psalm 122  :  “Peace be within thy walls and plenteousness within thy palaces.”

Almighty God, whose plenteous love continually rains down upon us;
grant us the humility to break down the walls that separate us from others; so that we may walk together towards your perfect peace.
We pray especially today for the people of Afghanistan, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia; for the cessation of conflict and unrest there.
By your Spirit, inspire the leaders of the world gathering for the United Nations Climate Change conference. Help us all to preserve and protect the plenteousness of your creation.


From the Book of Tobit : Tobit said of his son Tobias “The good angel will keep him company, and his journey shall be prosperous, and he shall return safe.”

Living God, guide and protect all those facing difficult journeys ahead; especially those seeking light and comfort through times of pain, suffering and distress. We pray this day especially for Sally, Tom, Carol, Francine, Sophia, Sarah, Anthony, Melissa, Caroline, Emma, Peter, Jennifer, Adrian and family, Melvyn, Ian, Jim, Nick, John, Martin and Sam and; and for all those whose names are unspoken but written on our hearts.


From the Gospel of John : Jesus prayed “that they may be as one, as thou, Father, art in me and I in thee, that they may also be one in us.”

Eternal God, we remember all those who have reached the end of their journey here on earth and who now reside in union with Christ in the glory of his eternal kingdom.
We pray for the repose of the soul of Manuel, recently departed. Bless Caroline, Carol, Gary and all who mourn his death. Unite all who grieve in the embrace of your eternal love.


Image : Peace window, Marc Chagall, 1964, United Nations Building, New York

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