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Two Travellers, Jack Butler Yeats, 1942, Tate Gallery |
Prayers written for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook at 12.45pm on Thursday 9th June 2021 (Year B, Fifth after Trinity) based on the gospel reading Mark 6.1-13 and text from the sermon. Let us pray.
Almighty God, whose Son sent out the first disciples strengthened by the power of the Spirit, we give thanks for all who follow in their footsteps, including the recently ordained. We pray for the whole church, especially those congregations that gather under the threat of violence and persecution - and all who witness to your Word with limited physical resources. Grant courage to those who face opposition and rejection and inspire each of us here with creative ways to proclaim the Good News.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
God our Father, help us, heirs of the first
disciples, to set aside our baggage before we are sent out to do your work in
the world. Grant us the humility to recognise and cut down our firmly rooted prejudices. Send wisdom, skill and imagination to guide the governments of the
world, this nation and this City, that they might lead us to grow communities
of peace and unity, justice and equality in which all your people may flourish.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Loving God, who welcomes all who repent and
believe in the Gospel, help us to welcome into our hearts and homes all those
you have sent to be among us. Let us not be suspicious of people who change, but celebrate their transformation. As you sent your disciples out two-by-two, teach us to listen and
learn from one another, discovering the joy of relationship, especially with those who
appear on the surface to be different from ourselves. Comfort all in this city who feel isolated and outcast.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
God our Healer, whose disciples were sent to
anoint and care for those who suffer, strengthen all who are sick and those who
care for them. We pray especially for all affected by the corona virus, for
those for whom our prayers have been asked, including Margaret, Anthony, Melissa, Georgina,
Shelley, Caroline and Manuelle, Emma, John, Vanessa, Peter, Jennifer, Adrian
and family, Melvyn, Ian, John, Jim, Nick, Martin and Sam and for all those in
need whose names are written on our own hearts.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Eternal God, welcome into your eternal
kingdom all those who have walked the way of Christ. Comfort those who mourn in
the knowledge that we will be united with them and you when we reach our
journeys end.
Merciful Father
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ
Image : Two
Travellers, Jack Butler Yeats, 1942, Tate Gallery
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