Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Prayers of Intercession - We Remember

We are making a new world. Paul Nash, 1918

Prayers written for the Service of Remembrance at St Stephen Walbrook on Wednesday 11th November 2020.

Let us pray in the name of the one who gave his life for the sake of the world: Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Lord, we remember with thanksgiving all those who made the supreme sacrifice for us in times of war.
We remember the cost of our freedom and the responsibilities this brings;
We remember your call to us, your church, to bring justice, hope and peace to the world.
We remember our continual need for your love.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

Lord, we remember all those engaged in active service and those who minister to them and pray for their safe return.
We remember our shared sense of purpose in times of crisis and pray for its rediscovery in times of peace.
We remember those faced with life or death decisions and pray that they might find comfort and guidance in your Spirit.
We remember those engaged in post-conflict reconciliation; rebuilding shattered communities and cultures.
We remember those who continue to suffer from the effects war; the persecuted; the displaced.
We remember that we are made in the image of God. We pray for the courage to dedicate our lives to the flourishing of all God’s people and work for the common good.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer.

Lord, we remember those who continue to bear the physical and mental scars of war and ask for your blessing on those who care for them.
We remember in prayer all who are sick or suffering in our own community, including; Bryan, Doris and Eve, David, Jane and Daisy, Shelley, Patrick, Martin and Sam, Sophia and Freddie, Sue, Sarah, Marie, Emma and Michael and to Melvyn, Ian and John, Gladys, Lucy, Amelia, Barbara and Kim

Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Lord, we remember those who mourn the loss of loved ones. We pray especially for Judith and her family and for the repose of the souls of those killed in armed conflict and those who have died for refusing to take up arms.
We remember the sacrifice of those whose names are written on our hearts and those whose names we will never know.
We remember that in Christ shall all be made alive.
We remember the past and put our faith in your future.

Merciful Father
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son
our Saviour, Jesus Christ

Image : We are making a new world, Paul Nash, 1918

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