Friday, 30 October 2020

Prayers of Intercession - The Greatest Commandment

The Hospitality of Abraham by Andrei Rublev

Prayers of Intercession written for the Choral Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 28th October 2020 (Year A Last after Trinity, Proper 25) based on the Gospel reading
Matthew 22.34-end

Let us pray that our love of God and his love for us may be shown in all we say, all we do and all we are. 


God our Saviour, who so loved the world that you gave your only Son so that we might be saved; strengthen us, your church, that we may bring your sacrificial and abundant love to our neighbours in every corner of the earth. 


We pray for all ministers of your word in this time of change; our Bishops, Priests and Deacons and especially today for Fr Paul and Fr Stephen and for our neighbouring parishes here in the City of London.


Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer 


Eternal God, may your unchanging love for us bring comfort to all whose freedoms are being curtailed and those who are anxious about the future. Grant us wisdom to support our neighbours who lead the world, this nation and this City as they confront the consequences of this global pandemic. Help us to be true neighbours; gracious and supportive, especially in our criticism, guided always by the light of your love.


Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer


God of all Grace, help us to put our prayers into practice; through your spirit may we show your love for us in our love for our neighbours. Help us to be generous, gentle and forgiving to all those around us. May we remember always that through you there is no “them” and “us” - only “us”. Give us courage to offer ourselves to those in need, especially those we find it hard to love; to strive for economic, social and climate justice for all.  


Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer 


Loving God, help us to model love for our neighbour on the image of your Son; bringing light and hope to all who suffer. 


Help us to be more compassionate and attentive to all those are sick. We bring before you especially in prayer Bryan, Doris and Eve, David, Jane and Daisy, Shelley, Patrick, Martin and Sam, Sophia and Freddie, Sue, Sarah, Marie, Emma and Michael and to Melvyn, Ian and John and to all those whose names are written only on our hearts.


Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer


Ever living God, we pray for all those we love but see no longer, especially the recently departed.  Receive them all into the everlasting love of your kingdom. 


Merciful Father

accept these prayers

for the sake of your Son,

our Saviour, Jesus Christ,


Andrei Rublev, The Trinity

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