Thursday, 17 September 2020

Prayers of Intercession - Trinity 14

The Forgiving Father by Frank Wesley (1923-2002)

Prayers of intercession for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook at 12.45pm on Thursday 17th September 2020 (Trinity 14/Proper 19) based on the Epistle (Romans 14.1-12) and the Gospel Reading from Matthew 18.21-35 with words taken from the Coventry Litany of Reconciliation and the writings of Martin Luther King.

Let us pray for forgiveness in the church and the world; that we may be kind to one another and tender hearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ has forgiven us.


Lord, forgive us for the divisions in your church. For the times we are quick to find fault and slow to forgive and when we pass judgement on those whose who choose to profess their faith in a different way. Forgive us for the gulf between our practice and our profession - between our doing and our saying.

We pray for unity in the church throughout the world and for the work of ecumenical organisations. We ask for your blessing on the ministry of the church in this city, especially the work of our Archbishop, Justin, our Bishop, Sarah, Luke our Archdeacon and Katherine our Area Dean. By their guidance may we learn to reconcile our belief with our lives. To forgive others as Jesus has forgiven us. Let there be no limit to our forgiveness.


Lord in your mercy 

Hear our prayer 


Lord, forgive us for the hatred which divides nation from nation and race from race. Forgive us for the covetous desires of people and nations to possess what is not their own. Forgive us for the greed which exploits the work of human hands and lays waste the earth.

We pray that those with the responsibility of leadership in the world, this nation and this city and in our homes and workplaces, may act with mercy, speak the truth and strive for peace. We pray for the work of the Corporation of London as it considers how to reconcile its historic sources of wealth and power with its commitment to racial equality in the present. We ask for your blessing on for those working to cancel third world debt and pray that all business in this city strive to act honourably and equitably in their affairs.


Lord in your mercy 

Hear our prayer 


Lord, forgive us for our envy of the welfare and happiness of others. Forgive our indifference to the plight of the imprisoned, the homeless and the refugee. Forgive us for the pride which leads us to trust in ourselves and not in God.


We pray for all in this city who are burdened by debt or financial worry. We bring before you all those who are experiencing difficulty in their relationships at home or at work; those finding it hard to forgive and those finding it hard to seek forgiveness. Lord, by your grace, grant us the wisdom to find peace within ourselves and with others, acting always in and through your love and according to your will, not our own.   


Lord in your mercy 

Hear our prayer 


Lord, forgive us when we fail to remember those who are sick and suffering. When we put our own lives ahead of the lives of others.


Lord, bring your comfort and peace especially to Patrick, Martin and Sam, Sophia and Freddie, Sue, Amelia, Sarah, Liam, Emma and Michael and to Melvyn, Ian and John and to all those whose names are written only on our own hearts.

Lord in your mercy 

Hear our prayer 


We pray for the faithful departed, who you have received with mercy and found eternal peace and reconciliation in your kingdom.

In the company of St Stephen and all the saints, we pray.

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ


The Coventry Litany of Reconciliation
Corporation of London Consultation on landmarks linked to slavery and exploitation
The Forgiving Father – Pathways to God

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