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Michael Edmonds The Cross Over The City, 1962 |
Prayers of intercession for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook at 12.45pm on Thursday 10th September 2020 (Trinity 13/Proper 18) based on the Epistle Reading (Romans 13.8-end) and the Gospel Reading from Matthew 18.15-20.
Jesus said “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”
As we gather together in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ, let us pray for the church and the world, which was created and redeemed in and through His love.
We pray for the unity of the church
throughout the world. For all who preach the gospel of redemption. We give
thanks for the ministry of all Bishops, Priests and Deacons, especially Sarah
our Bishop and Luke our Archdeacon. Bless their work encouraging the mutual
flourishing of every church in our diverse city.
Your hand, O God, has guided your flock from age to age. Guide
us to seek reconciliation when we disagree with others in your church. By your
grace, may we have the courage to join with them in singing together your song
of love : “One Church, One Faith, One Lord.”
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
We pray for peace throughout the world.
Lord, grant wisdom to all with the responsibility of leadership.
Clothe them in your love. May they seek always to bring reconciliation where
your people are divided. We pray for an end to injustice and inequality. Bless
the work of those helping to bring nations closer together, negotiating peace
and prosperity for all and for all working to improve inter-faith relations.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Lord, you have taught us that we cannot find
fulfillment by our own efforts but, by your grace, through a loving
relationship with you. Help us to set aside all works of darkness - our
selfishness, our jealousy and resentment - and to put on your armour of light;
to love one another, as you love us.
Bless our relationships with our families, friends, neighbours
and our work colleagues. Help us to see Jesus in the face of all those we meet
and to welcome them with open arms as he has welcomed us.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Lord, comfort all who suffer. We pray especially for those
suffering at the hands of others in abusive and loveless relationships. For
those who are anxious and alone. For all those who are sick and those who care
for them.
We bring before you all those known to us who are in particular
need of your loving care today; Patrick, Martin and Sam, Sophia and
Freddie, Sue, Amelia, Sarah, Liam, Emma and Michael and for all undergoing hospital
treatment, including Melvyn, Ian and John. Lord we also bring before you the
names of those written only on our own hearts.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
We pray for the repose of the
soul of Jeanne who died last Saturday and for Anna and Oliver her children; and
for Pat and her family following the death of Tom. We thank you Lord for all
Tom’s works of love and pray that you will receive his soul with mercy. We
remember this week especially all those who have died as a result of acts of
We pray for all those whom we love but see no longer, who are gathered together
with the whole company of heaven. May the peace and unity they now enjoy be
with all those who are on the way.
With St Stephen, the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints and
angels in heaven, we pray.
Merciful Father,
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ
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