Thursday, 3 September 2020

Prayers of Intercession - Trinity 12

Graham Sutherland, Crucifixion, 1956

Prayers of intercession for the Sung Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook at 12.45pm on Thursday 3rd September 2020 (Trinity 12/Proper 17) based on the Epistle Reading (
Romans 12.9-end) and the Gospel Reading from Matthew 16.21-end.

Jesus said “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Let us pray for all who carry the cross of Jesus and for the world he saved. 


We pray for the church, especially those who suffer persecution for confessing the faith of Christ crucified and all who find carrying the cross of ministry a heavy burden at times. 


Lord, we pray that we may learn to see your Spirit at work in and around us and discern the cross each of us must bear.  


Almighty God bless the work of our Bishops, Justin and Sarah, our Archdeacon Luke, our Priest Stephen and Pastor Jon and the Salvation Church who meet here. Give us the grace to follow them on the way of they cross, whatever the cost. By their teaching and example may each of us learn to serve the Lord with zeal, to rejoice in hope and persevere in prayer.

Lord in your mercy 

Hear our prayer 

We pray for all who carry the cross of leadership, taking decisions on behalf of this nation and this city and for all with responsibility for the welfare of others. Lord, we bring before you especially this week all those returning to schools and colleges and all working in care homes. 

Lord, as we walk the way of the cross with you each day, may we all set our minds not on human things but divine things. Let us not be stumbling blocks to the flourishing of those around us. Help us to bring peace and reconciliation wherever we live and work.

As we begin the Season of Creation, may our concern for the earth govern our living. May we take seriously your call to be careful stewards of your creation. 


Lord in your mercy 

Hear our prayer 


We pray for those who carry the cross of poverty, including all those in our community who are anxious about their livelihoods at this time.


Generous God, forgive us for the times we have set our minds on our own selfish desires and failed to support those in need; when we have not been hospitable or gracious to those around us. When we have not welcomed the strangers in our midst. Lord, help us to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.


Lord in your mercy 

Hear our prayer 


Merciful God, whose Son endured great suffering on the cross, who weeps with all those who weep, may all those who suffer find comfort in the hope of His resurrection and strength in your loving presence. We pray especially for Melvyn, Patrick, Ian, Martin and Sam, Sophia and Freddie, Sue, Amelia, Sarah, Liam, Emma and Michael.


Lord in your mercy 

Hear our prayer 


We pray for those who carry the cross of bereavement, especially at this time the family and friends of Carol Bloomfield.

Eternal God, we entrust to your care all the faithful departed who have lost their lives for your sake and have found everlasting life with the saints and angels in the glory of your Kingdom.

Trusting in the Cross of Christ, our Saviour, we pray.


Merciful Father,

accept these prayers

for the sake of your Son,

our Saviour, Jesus Christ





ArtUK - Depictions of Christ on the Cross 

Graham Sutherland, Crucifixion, 1956

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