Thursday, 26 March 2020

Lord, help us to flatten the curve and deepen our faith

Oscar Romero Cross, St George's Cathedral, Southwark

It was a great pleasure to lead morning prayer for St Augustine's College of Theology today live on Facebook. These are the prayers I wrote, inspired by the life of Harriett Monsell, remembered today, and the readings and psalms appointed for this morning: Psalms 53, 86,  Exodus 4.27-6.1 and Hebrews 10.19-25.

We are being told day in day out to flatten the curve - to help the NHS. This is good advice! But the cross has two parts. As well as focussing on the horizontal (something we find easy to do in life), we must not forget the vertical! (I have written more about that recently here: "Thank God for Mountains").

These are my prayers for this morning:

Lord, help us to flatten the curve
and deepen our faith
God our healer,
Like the psalmist we know that in times of anxiety and despair, your steadfast love is with us.
As we self-isolate to flatten the curve, let us not flatten our faith. Guide us, by your grace, that we may find you in the ups and downs, the light and shade of our lives.
Lord, give hope to all who have been infected by the coronavirus and all who are anxious about symptoms. 
Give strength to all who are caring for others; especially those doing so alone or in difficult circumstances. 
Comfort all who mourn, especially those not able to attend funerals of loved ones at this time.

Today we give thanks for the legacy of Harriett Monsell and pray especially for the work of the Community of St John the Baptist, the Sisters of Mercy and the Clewer Initiative and all who support the mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing of others.  

Lord, help us to flatten the curve
and deepen our faith
God our hope and strength 
Help us to flatten the curve but not flatten ourselves.
We pray for all who, like the Israelites making bricks without straw, feel stretched thin at this time; 
struggling with new ways of working and communicating with family and work colleagues.

Nourish all who are feeling featureless, flat and low; anxious that they are not doing enough. 
As we sit with our head in our hands let us notice the rich contours and textures of our face - made in your glorious image. 
Give us strength to reflect this image of love in the all we do today.

Lord, help us to flatten the curve
and deepen our faith

God our Saviour,
Help us to flatten the curve but not flatten our friendships. 
Forgive us when the frustrations of confinement bubble to the surface and we fail to act in a manner pleasing to you.
May we hear the words of St Paul and provoke one another not into anger and retaliation but into love and good deeds; encouraging one another. 
Lord, help us to remember that each moment of every day is sacred and a gift from you.
May we offer the fullness of this and every day to you. 

Lord, help us to flatten the curve
and deepen our faith


Image : This cross, in memory of St Oscar Romero whose life was remembered this week. was installed in the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Southwark (where my grandparents were married during WW2).   

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