Thursday, 6 October 2022

Prayers of Intercession - God of the Margins

Ruth Gleaning. Study for the Painting 'The Gleaner', Sir Joseph Noel Paton, 1844 – Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art

Prayers written for the Business Harvest Festival at St Stephen Walbrook on Thursday 5th October 2022, based on the theme of ‘margins’ inspired by the message of Stephen’s excellent sermon, inspired by the Jewish practice of leaving the edge of the fields unharvested to make the grain available for the poor to glean (Deuteronomy 24.19).


God of the margins,

We pray for the church throughout the world; for all who use their gifts to glorify your name.

Strengthen those who practice their faith where the margin of safety is slim.

Guide your church to become a marginal habitat; a dynamic place of nurture, transition and change, 

  where we are each able to grow in your likeness;

offering space for reflection; a margin on the story of our lives. 

We welcome into your fellowship the recently baptised, including Leonora, and all those beginning a new chapter in their life of faith.


Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer 


God of the margins, 

We pray for peace across the world and for all those using their gifts to bring an end to violence and hostility, remembering especially the people of Ukraine and Russia.

Send your wisdom upon all with authority and influence that they may narrow the margins between your people and work for the good of all.

Help us to hear the cries of those who see the damage we are causing by squeezing the margins of your creation. 


Lord in your mercy,

Hear our prayer 


God of the margins,

We pray for this great City; for all who live, work and visit here. 

We give thanks for all those using their gifts to push the margins of our understanding; innovating new ways to live life in all its fullness, as you intended.

Shine your light upon all those who feel anxious and under pressure at home and at work as margins become tighter.

Help us to see beyond the margins of our blinkered vision. To love all our neighbours, especially those on the edge.


Lord in your mercy,

Hear our prayer 


God of the margins, 

We pray for the sick and vulnerable. For those who feel on the margin between life and death. 

Strengthen those who use their gift of healing; for doctors, nurses, therapists and especially here at St Stephen Walbrook, for the work of the Samaritans.

We remember by name those for whom our prayers have been asked; John, Melvyn, Sue, Patrick, Carol, Peter, Francine, Caroline, Sam, Martin and Sophia, Juliette and her family, Jonathan, and Sarah.

May they know that we are never marginalised from your love for each of us; through which may they know our love for them. 


Lord in your mercy,

Hear our prayer 


God of the margins 

We pray for the repose of the soul of Latichia and Peter and all the faithful who have recently crossed beyond the margin of our earthly vision and whose now reside in union with you;

  in the company of St Stephen and all the saints;


Merciful Father,

accept these prayers

for the sake of your Son,

our Saviour, Jesus Christ



Image : Ruth Gleaning. Study for the Painting 'The Gleaner', Sir Joseph Noel Paton, 1844 – Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art

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