Sunday, 19 December 2021

Prayers of Intercession - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

The Visitation by James Janknegt

Prayers of Intercession written for the Fourth Sunday in Advent, 19th December 2021 (Year C) based on text from Luke 1.39-55 and the O Antiphons.

O Adonai, as we remember the Blessed Virgin Mary who brought your Son into the world, may we, who have been filled by your Spirit, do the same; 
feeding and strengthening each other with your Word of love; 
so that every soul may magnify your Holy name. 
Look with mercy upon your Church;
especially our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land and all who worship you under the threat of violence and oppression.

O King of the Nations, Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace;
clothe in righteousness and justice all who carry the burden of responsibility for the welfare of others in this world; 
may they be made humble and meek in your service; becoming heralds of universal peace. 
We pray that your loving presence may be felt among those suffering as a result of conflict, environmental damage and the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. 
Help us to set aside all that brings about division and discourse and place our faith in you as the cornerstone of your Kingdom on earth. 

O Emmanuel, we give thanks for your presence among us in this and every moment.
May the image of your tenderness and beauty be borne in us today as members of your Holy Family.
We ask for your blessing upon all whom we hold dear, especially this day all mothers and all preparing to give birth.
In this parish and this City, we pray for the protection and comfort of those without a home, with little or nothing to eat and those who feel isolated and alone. Strengthen and guide all who support them. 

O Morning Star, 
send down your radiant beams of love upon all who dwell in darkness. 
We pray especially for those who are sick or suffering at this time.
Relieve the burden of those carrying the pain of mind or body. 

O Key of David
, who has opened the door to eternal life,
we remember with fondness all the faithful departed who have been carried to your heavenly kingdom. 
Unlock our hearts and minds so that we may follow your path, leading us closer each day to the place you have prepared for us. 

In the company of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St John the Baptist and all the saints we pray. 

Image : The Visitation byJames Janknegt

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