Thursday, 4 November 2021

Prayers of Intercession - All Saints

Jerzy Nowosielski, The Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan, 1964.

Prayers written for a Choral Eucharist at St Stephen Walbrook celebrating All Saints, Commemorating All Souls and incorporating the baptism of Ralph Christopher Atterbury-Thomas based on readings from Revelation 21.1-6a and John 11.32-44

Let us pray to Almighty God, the one who makes saints from sinners.

We give thanks for the company of all the saints in heaven and for the faithful example of all who shine your light in the world.
For all baptised in your name; 
for Ralph Christopher and for the good guidance of his parents, grandparents and godparents;
For those in holy orders and all who point us towards your living word.

Lord in thy mercy 
Hear our prayer 

We rejoice in the promise of the new heaven and new earth and glory in the vision of the holy city.
May it inspire the hearts and minds of all who hold positions of responsibility and influence and all of us charged with the stewardship of your creation.
We give thanks for the office of the Lord Mayor of London, the work of the outgoing Mayor, William and his wife Hilary and ask for your blessing on Vincent the Lord Mayor elect.
May we all be guided by your loud voice from heaven calling us towards the spring of the water of life, so that we might witness justice rolling down as a mighty river and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. 

Lord in thy mercy 
Hear our prayer 

We pray for all who suffer for the sake of their faith, 
for all who are sick 
and for your saints and angels who care for them.
We pray for the restoration to health of our Queen, Elizabeth.
For strength for all those known to us who are suffering this day and for all who mourn.
We find comfort amidst our tears in the knowledge that through the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we will dwell in a place where mourning and crying and pain will be no more. 

With Mary, Martha, Lazarus, St Stephen and all the saints and angels in heaven, we pray.

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ

Image: Jerzy Nowosielski (Polish, 1923–2011), The Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan, 1964.

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