Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Further Prayers written for Morning Prayer on Wednesday 8 September

Chris Offili - The Holy Virgin Mary, 1996

Today we remember the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.


May we be inspired by Mary’s acceptance of God’s grace. 


Almighty God, at the Annunciation Mary said yes to the gift of your Word; despite the risk to her life. 

Strengthen all who have the courage to proclaim the Good News in threatening situations.

Help us to recognise the annunciations in our own lives; to receive your Word into our hearts; to see your grace in the face of others.




May we be inspired by Mary the prophet 


Living God, your servant Mary sang a song of joy at the fulfillment of your promise of salvation.

May our lives sing the Magnificat with her; 

Acting with mercy, justice and humility in all we think, say and do; 

in praise for all your loving kindness.




May we be inspired by Mary, Mother of God 


Loving God, who chose Mary to be the mother of our Saviour, Jesus Christ,

and who raised him with love and care.

Nurture us, your children, by your Spirit and through the example of your Son, to be worthy inheritors of your kingdom. 

We pray for all who are sick and suffering and in need of your loving care today;  especially Tom, Gary, Carol, Francine, Sophia, Jummie, Johan, Anthony, Melissa, Caroline and Manuelle, Emma, John, Vanessa, Peter, Jennifer, Adrian and family, Melvyn, Ian, Jim, Nick, Martin and Sam and all those whose names are written only on our own hearts.




May we be inspired by Mary in our grief. 


Eternal God, the Blessed Virgin Mary witnessed the suffering and death of her son on the cross.

In her grief she was supported by the love of the disciples and comforted by your promise of eternal life. 

Welcome into the peace of your kingdom the recently departed, including Baby Elizabeth; comfort her parents Sarah and Steve and for all those who mourn.


Image : The Holy Virgin Mary, Chris Offili, 1996 - MoMA

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