Monday 10 August 2020

Morning Prayer - 10th August 2020

Detail from “The Wren and the Resurrection” by Regan O’Callaghan

It was a great pleasure to lead a short service of Morning Prayer today on the St Augustine's College of Theology Facebook page. Please follow along by watching the video below.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Please join me for a short service of Morning Prayer (Common Worship) at 08:00. The order of service is at this link.
Psalm 44
Readings : 1 Samuel 19.1-18 & Acts 1.1-14
The image is an enlargement of a print of “The Wren and the Resurrection” by Regan O’Callaghan, a priest and artist. The work was painted for Sherborne Abbey in the town where I grew up and went to school. Last week a school friend, James Nash, died after being shot outside his home in Hampshire. Like Regan O’Callaghan, James was a fantastic artist. In our Old Testament reading we learn more about the friendship between Jonathan and Samuel. Our New Testament reading, from Acts, describes the Ascension of Jesus. Psalm 44 is a prayer of a people whose trust in God has led them to ruin. In recent years it has become associated with the holocaust. By coincidence, last week I finished reading a short story by a Serbian author titled Psalm 44. It’s not exactly light reading – more info here if you are interested in finding out more
Have a lovely day and a wonderful week!

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