Thursday 14 December 2017

An Ode to Fr Stuart's Advent Snowman

Today Fr Stuart, our Area Dean, posted a picture of a snowman in the vicarage garden. He doesn't normally post pictures on Twitter. I hope he is OK. Maybe he is disappointed that the snow has melted? Perhaps he is feeling a bit run down. All those who are involved in organising church services, both clergy and lay people, can feel very tired at this time of year. The snowman looks like it is on a journey - perhaps Fr Stuart is feeling expectant for Christmas? The melting snowman certainly looks like a sculpture of the Madonna and child to me!

I sent Fr Stuart this poem, inspired by his Advent Snowman:-

An Ode to Fr Stuart's Advent Snowman

On a journey, standing still
A change of state; transforming
Expectant, prepared, with body bending
Drop by drop my senses blending.

Exhausted, onwards, wondering why?
Rebuked by everyone
In silent prayer we see the light;
The hope of what's to come.

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