
Wednesday 18 November 2020

Prayers for Hope and Healing

Christ healing the blind man, Andrei Mirnov, 2009

Prayers for healing and hope written for Morning Prayer at St Stephen Walbrook on Wednesday 18th November 2020, adapted from various sources. 
We pray for all affected by the coronavirus.

God of Love
we turn to you with confidence in your loving presence among us now and every moment of our lives.
We stand before you as a people of hope,
trusting in your care and protection.
May we be comforted by your love in these anxious times.

Merciful God,
fill us with compassion and concern for others; that we may look after each other especially those among us who are vulnerable.
May your example give us the courage we need
to go to the margins, wherever they may be.

Healing God,
bring healing to those who are sick
and be with their families and neighbours.
We pray especially for those who are isolated,
that they may know your love.
We remember especially this morning Shalani, Alistair and Iona Macpherson.

God of Strength,
accompany all those who serve us with such love and generosity in the medical profession and in all our healthcare facilities.
We ask you to bless them, strengthen them and guide them with your abundant goodness.
Guide leaders in healthcare and government that they may make the right decisions for the wellbeing of all your people.

O God of creation and God of life,
We, your people place ourselves and our works
In your protection and love.
May your peace be with us and enfold us
today, tomorrow and during the time ahead.
In the name of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ,

Christ healing the blind man, Andrei Mirnov, 2009


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